Sustainability awards Proflora 2023
During the Proflora 2023 event, Asocolflores awarded the Lucie De Velez Sustainability and Shared Value Awards, with the objective of highlighting and making visible those flower companies that develop projects, policies and/or programs not only to improve the experience of people and the social and labor impact in various areas, but also proactively address the mitigation of environmental impacts related to their operation.
to reflect a strong commitment to social, labor and environmental well-being, consolidating a joint effort to move towards sustainable and responsible business practices. They also highlight the importance of addressing current challenges in a balanced manner, promoting innovation and excellence in the management of flower companies.
In the category of “Environmental Experiences”, Capiro was awarded for the project called “Biofactory” in collaboration with the company Inbacter. Since 2022, we have implemented a laboratory of beneficial fungi called Biofactory Starting from a raw material such as rice, which serves as a culture medium to provide nutrients to the fungus, Inbacter sends a mother strain of the highest quality. Capiro reproduces this strain in bags of rice in the laboratory.
Through this innovative collaboration, we have developed a biological treatment with beneficial fungi that have the ability to control diseases and pests, while promoting plant development in our crops. At Capiro, we have been able to maintain quality control of our products, improve soil health, perform biofertilization and, at the same time, reduce costs.
This project has been possible thanks to our collaboration with Inbacter, a biotechnology-based company specialized in the development and production of microbial bioinputs for agriculture, based on advanced knowledge in agricultural microbiology. INBACTER has provided us with the necessary tools and advice to transform our crops into safe and healthy spaces, both for the flowers we grow and for the people who come into contact with them.
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